Secret Sauce is our domain name, but we are not yet another "AI" company--nor are we yet another SaaS vendor bleating "me too!" just to check the AI box.

We won't subject your teams to clueless chat bots that hallucinate away their valuable time. If you can detect when we are using AI, we will have fallen short of our vision.

AI software tools are great, and they should be used where they can produce the most value, but just as AI is the product of smart people, producing business value with AI requires a purposeful strategy that is curated and executed by smart people.

Activated Intelligence

In our world, "AI" is short for activated intelligence.

We have an unshakeable belief that every team has smart people with reserves of brilliance that have not been fully activated.

By helping their team members activate and channel that brilliance, our clients can become top-performing outliers--each a category of one--in their industry niche.

Your Secret Sauce

Our mission is simple: Provide products and services that are the secret sauce of your success.